Baby Steps Towards the Best Packaging Design

Posted in Graphic Design, Packaging Design on January 28, 2019

Showing concern toward packaging design seems quite a meager issue if viewed beside the prospect of creating and advertising your product. Well, it’s not. Packaging is the only instrument that can tell your story right from the shelf. It will give first-hand information to your customers about the enclosed product, how it can be used, why is it useful for them and most importantly, why should they buy it. What sort of packaging would your story in the most exciting way, so that customers would be willing to give up their money? The answer lies in a whole genre of the design industry, product packaging. This discussion will provide a brief overview of how to create the best packaging design for your products.

If your product makes it to the shelves in that meek, brown paper, its time you took this situation seriously. The market is highly competitive nowadays with lots of products of the same nature streaming in. The best packaging design will show your credentials, and your product details, all while making you stand out. Let’s find out how.

Points to Ponder

When creating a package design to capture the masses, there are three things which you should keep in mind before you begin.

First, what is your product? This might simple but look into it closely. How big is your product? How much does it weight? these things will help you figure out the logistics for your package design such as dimensions and material.

Secondly, Who are your potential customers? The design would depend greatly on who you want to attract. For example, food products should be encased in hunger-inducing colors, while toys for little ones in bright, eye-catching imagery.

Thirdly, How will people reach the product? If you are retailing your product you should concentrate more on how the packaging will stand out on the shelf. While packing an eCommerce product you should use sharp, exact visuals.

The Best Packaging Design Brief

When it comes to providing a packaging design brief to your designing company, make sure to provide ample information about your product for them to work on. The best packaging design companies in Dubai work with extensive creativity while sticking to the client’s exact requirements.

Firstly, you should give an explanation about your brand identity and logo and whether your brand is a startup or established one. Many website design companies in the UAE provide a full package of creating a brand identity, logo design along with other peripherals such as package design for you. If you are outsourcing a company individually for this purpose, explaining your brand is a must.

Also, you should decide the basic colors you want with fonts and typeface to be put in your package. For example, if you are a middle-eastern retailer, you would want an Arabic logo design, and Arabic calligraphy incorporated on your packaging. This can also be done if your product is imported from the middle-east or holds cultural attributes to that region. This will enhance your USP through your package and give a great aesthetic effect.

Take these steps to start with the most engaging and dynamic packaging for your products, today.
